Read any good books lately?
I’m in my second quarter of the wonderful “Storytelling and Content Strategy” program at the University of Washington. I am finding it very valuable to hear from the teachers, guest lecturers, and my fellow students about how they develop content in the context of tech companies, marketing agencies, governmental organizations, and beyond. And it’s fun to throw in examples of my experience developing content for museums into the mix, of course.
Stack of books about content writing, storytelling strategy, and design justice. Thank the stars for curbside library pickups.
One of the most fun parts of the class has been the book recommendations. Some of them are straight-up textbooks for the classes. Some are just fun asides from our well-read professors. And then there is the lively flow of book recommendations in the chat from my fellow students. I find that I like to have the library website open in my browser at the same time as the online lecture takes place, so I can put books on hold as soon as they come up in conversation.
Of course, I can only read so fast—and the library only lets me keep the books checked out for so long. Today I started a public list at the Seattle Public Library’s website to keep track of all the great reads that come up in discussion! Look for more updates over time as we continue with winter quarter and head into spring.