
Lighting, tone of voice, motion, and mood… I love digging into raw footage and finding the exact moments that convey a story. Video is a powerful tool for building empathy and spotlighting authentic voices.

Part 1: Video scripts and storyboards


Lenses on the Sky: Time

People across time and around the world have used tools to observe and understand the sky. The "Lenses on the Sky" project was developed at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry with funding from NASA. I developed the storyboards, wrote the copy, and sourced all the video clips and images for these bilingual videos.

Fixing Rainier Avenue

2020 was a difficult year in many ways. Seattle Neighborhood Greenways knew it was time to celebrate some “wins”—especially the community activists in south Seattle who have been making their neighborhoods safer to walk, bike, and roll. First I reviewed all the raw interview footage and developed the story’s focus. Then I pieced together the final script, sourced the B-roll images, and finalized the storyboard for this piece.


Lenses on the Sky: Constellation Animations

People across time and around the world have observed constellations since time immemorial. The stories that they tell are wonderfully diverse! After doing a deep dive into the research, I developed the concept for this series of videos. I created the storyboards, found reference images for the animators, and wrote the bilingual copy that explores well-known constellations from different points of view.


Part 2: Video editing

Red Square: First day of classes

There’s something magical about watching the quiet summer university campus spring back to life in the fall. To celebrate the first day of classes, I found a great vantage point and filmed a few time-lapse videos of the hustle-bustle of students going to classes. Once I selected the best take, I used Adobe Premiere Pro to add a fade-in, fade-out and UWAA logo to make a more polished piece to share on social media.


Girl Scout Cookies and Ocean Conservation

My daughter’s Girl Scout troop loves raising money to save animals and protect nature as part of their annual cookie sale. We shot this video on a foggy day at the beach, and had a great time editing it to capture the sound of the waves and spontaneous sea lion appearances.

Talent show entry during remote school

When schools went to school-from-home during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, it opened up interesting new possibilities for talent show entries: skills and talents that are normally tricky to showcase on stage could now be presented in engaging ways by video! We subtly tweaked the video speed in the editing process on this one to sneak as much of the artistic process into the limited timeframe as we could.

